
Get bugs data in JSON format.

Get all bugs

GET https://api.dinkumapi.com/v0/bugs

Gets all bugs. Supports filtering by name, time, seasons and habitat.

Query params

nameSearch bugs that contains a term in its name.
timeThe time of day the bugs appear in.
seasonsThe seasons of the year the bugs appear in.
habitatsThe habitats the bugs appear in.

Get bug by id

Path params

idThe id of the bug.

Get all bugs

GET https://api.dinkumapi.com/v0/bugs

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Bee",
    "description": "A little honey maker. Where's the queen?",
    "habitats": [
      "Pine Forests",
    "availability": {
      "time": [
      "seasons": [
    "sell_price": 680,
    "image_url": "https://api.dinkumapi.com/images/bugs/bee.png"

Get bug by id

GET https://api.dinkumapi.com/v0/bugs/{id}

  "id": 7,
  "name": "Cockroach",
  "description": "Yuck.",
  "habitats": [
  "availability": {
    "time": [
    "seasons": [
  "sell_price": 154,
  "image_url": "https://api.dinkumapi.com/images/bugs/cockroach.png"